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A Flower and Some Raisins Ceremony

This ceremony came through originally as an Equinox ceremony to have people honor the last three months since the solstice, and to release what they could to come into presence in this moment. It can be used at any time you need to recognize were you just came from, where you wish to go, and then come back to being here now.

Ingredients/helpers: You will need a flower or two so you have at least 8-10 petals, and you will need a small handful raisins (or pebbles or seeds).Go outside and find a peaceful area (I choose under my apple tree). Ask the nature are around you (trees, animals, birds, plants, rocks, elementals) to join as witnesses to your ceremony.

Say some aspect of your life that you are honoring having experienced over the season, year or whatever period of time you are honoring. Drop a petal on the ground to symbolize your honoring that aspect. Painful or joyful, honor all the experiences you have had as part of experiencing a human life. In doing so reclaim any energy from clinging or resisting the experience instead of just accepting it was what it was. This is to bring the experience to the light to be acknowledged and set free.

Examples and you can be more specific if you want.

For this period of time:

  • I honor my home and my possessions and the support they give me

  • I honor the land I live on

  • I honor all the experiences my body has had

  • I honor what I have learned

  • I honor the journeys I have made

  • I honor the financial support I have received through my work or through gifts of others

  • I honor the relationships that were supportive

  • I honor the relationships that are showing me where I need healing

  • I honor my mind

  • I honor my spirit

  • I honor experiencing a life

Now for the Raisins! (or seeds or pebbles)You are going to bury these in the dark soil as symbols of dreams, intentions, or things you need help resolving. You are giving them over to the dark creative energy so they can be nourished.I used raisins and put them in the empty section of a raised bed. (I’m sure a squirrel or maybe jay will find them and help fertilize and spread my intentions.) Here you are asking the soil and earth, as well as heavenly helper here to witness and support your intentions and dreams.

As you state each intention bury a raisin to represent it.

Finish with this stated intention"May the manifestation of my intentions and dreams bring benevolent outcomes!"Now become aware of your body, your surroundings, any sounds, smells, colors. Inhale and reclaim any energies left in the past bringing them to your physical and energy body, exhale what you are ready to release. Repeat as long as you can stay focused on that intention or it feels complete.

Then state out loud, "I am here now, in this moment, in this place. I am here now."

Optional encore: skip, hum, sing, or take a nap



This website is owned by Karen Wecker, and all services are offered by Karen Wecker, sole proprietor

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